Last Day of Beam Time

Back at the cyclotron for one last day of beam time. This experiment has overall been going alright. We should have enough good data to write an article. Finally I would be a published scientist. Just thinking about this makes me so excited!

So how did my Valentine's Day go, well it started off with leaving the cyclotron from my Saturday night over night shift at 9am. Ray and I decided to celebrate Valentine's Day in the morning by having a yummy breakfast at Denny's. Then the crazy scientist in me wanted to go back to the cyclotron to talk to my PI about the experiment. This also gave Ray a chance to buy me flowers and white chocolate covered strawberries, which was very sweet. I love being married! I feel bad saying this and I love white chocolate, but regular chocolate covered strawberries are better. After all that we finally got into bed around one to get some sleep for our night shifts.

Woke up around 9pm and it was cyclotron time.

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